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Who owns Ghana? I want to Know

I know as usual the diehard little-minds who have never done anything positive towards moving Ghana forward will line up to rain insults on me for posing this simple question. It is easier to know who owns any property because there are rules and laws that govern the acquisition and registration of such a property. In the developed world you would need not to answer such a question even if by mistake it is posed but in Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana, where there is no rule of law, where only those in power of authority are countered as Ghanaians, where the expatriates who entered Ghana with nothing but have today acquired access to all sensitive places in Ghana. They have dominion over the land and all that the contains. It is therefore imperative to know who really owns Ghana.

Our country has become so cheap that it is easier for any criminal to enter into it and practice their act without fear of any kind. At times I sit down and wonder if we really have people in that country who think of the value of the entity called Ghana and the value attached to that name. When one travels to a small country called Lesotho, there is no way that person could own a land. Why? They have laws making it impossible for any imposter calling themselves foreigners to acquire cherished property like land. Travel few kilometres to Togo, Benin and Nigerian and tell me how easier it would be to get access to land. Many Ghanaians stayed in Nigeria and I would like them to come out to condemn me that whilst they were there they possessed even a farm yard. The same is the case of South Africa, noting their own history on land.

Immediately after independence, one significant mistake Dr Kwame Nkrumah did was his so called African Union. It was not a bad idea at all but nothing was done to safeguard the interests of the Ghanaian if that dream became a reality. He wanted to remove all forms of barriers so that the African could settle anywhere at all. His parliament never passed any laws to protect land acquisition and ownership and I would be surprised if there is any Act of parliament on land ownership and acquisition in Ghana. In today’s Ghana parliamentarians are elected to stay at home or sit in the FM radio and Television stations propagating the selfish interests of their political parties instead of presenting bills to pass into laws to safeguard treasured assets like land. We have forgotten so soon the wars that were fought in the then Gold Coast over land.

I would like you all to join me to discuss this phenomenon on our website: www.discussghana.com our fledging website set up to discuss matters of importance to the survival of our country.

The topic up for discussion this time around come under the following caption:

1.” Why is so easy for foreigners to acquire land in Ghana without any hassle at all. Is it because we are so ignorant to know the consequences of land acquisition by foreigners without any due diligence or background checks on such acquirers. In so doing what legacy are we as a nation leaving for the generation that will come after us. In your own opinion, what do you think should be the best way to protect national assets such as land and all the resources associated with them”?

Started Ghanamindset in 2011 purposely to help our Ghanaian society have a better view of appreciating that mediocrity has never built and develop any nation. We have this layback attitude that we always think,when something is going wrong, " I am not responsible to fix it". There are many instances that we could have applied common sense to tackle a situation but our laissez-faire attitude would let us walk past unconcerned. Born and educated in Ghana in 1952 and currently living in the UK.


    1. Kofi

      We do appreciate your contribution. Our country has come to a standstill, education, the panacea for development is being used to strifle the people, you and I have a responsibility to do something about it.We do thank you.

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