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Expert Opinion In Ghana? Where are They?….And Who Are They?

Ghana birthed nicely and beautifully on that fateful 6th March,1957 by one visionary leader, Dr Kwame Nkrumah, never lived up to its reputation because we have lost our way and anytime we sleep and wake up in the morning, we as citizens of Ghana are wide apart. We have academics,we have professionals in every field, we have the clergy, the supposed compass of any nation, we have traditional rulers as the custodians of our lands and we have a dynamic stock of youths any nation in the developed world would be proud to nurture for national development but we lack NATIONAL cohesiveness.
One category of people called the “Ghanaian Politician”has never embraced the ideals of nation building so they hardly foster any patriotism but rather their parochial selfish interests which hovers around partisanship towards their political party is sadly the norm in Ghana. In Ghana today the long held Rawlings Ghana which he murdered innocent former heads of state and others to form has grown to become Mahamas Ghana. When they speak of Ghana, it is not the one our founding fathers fought for but the Ghana they call the NDC.What about the NPP? Had they unshackled President Akufo Addo? He would have concentrated on the Ghana he had always visioned to bring about but in between, there are those called “ORDER from above” and anything that needs to be done to move our nation forward, they too scuttle it. How on earth that almost four years now we are still waiting for the prosecution of all those who have caused financial mess to our economy. As we play the NPP GHANA game versus the NDC GHANA game, the real Ghana,the SOVEREIGN suffers.

This is captured nicely by a caption I once saw on the social media and the the SONS of Ghana who developed it hit the nail right on the head. ” There was this loaded tipper truck delivering gravel for road building and since this truck could not tip the load, there were two men off loading the gravel to the road, and as they did, there were two others on the ground, making sure the gravel never stayed on the ground. As they off load, these two too loaded”, that is Ghana for you.
Our politicians find it very difficult to accept that they are in power to do the following:
A. To serve. The joy of seeing a destitute person smiling,the lame being helped to walk,the malnourished finding food to eat and the unsheltered placed under shelter.
B. The help in the equitable distribution of our resources,no matter your standing in society and where you come from or lives.
C. To play a role in our national development irrespective of the party they belong to
D. To help provide us with our socio-economic development, thus creating jobs,providing us with social amenities,roads,railways,ports,hospitals,schools…..etc.
What amuses me the most is that these group of people, less than 0.01% of our population, take all the important decisions of our land. These are not the best that the country can offer but they wield power because of who their parents were during our struggle for our eventual political independence. They are a members only club and no one outside of it can ever get entry into that ruling class. In a country where there is equitable distribution of resources such as :Everybody had the same opportunity to go to primary school,elementary school,secondary School,Colleges and university, then these group should have been proud to be where they are but in a corrupt society like ours where “WHOM YOU KNOW” determines a person’s future well-being, it makes me angry that our ruling class exhibits arrogance,bullying,disrespect,total disregard for any human decency, arbitrary abuse of power and authority. 63 years we are still fighting a war of harmony and mutual co-existence.
Enough of the ruling class but the group, that worries me a lot is called “The Experts”. In the developed countries EXPERT OPINION on any national issue attracts much respect and attention but in Ghana, all the following debase the so called opinion.
Let us take a real national catastrophe like the recent COVID 19 Pandemic and let us assume as it is done always by the TV and Radio Stations, they invite TWO medical experts from the two political parties to appear on TV to discuss the pandemic. I did not say, two commentators, I say TWO medical experts. In the Universities lecture rooms or halls, you would expect that these two medical experts would articulate lessons which when harmonised, would draw the same conclusion. However when these same experts are put on a TV stations, strangely, before they appear, their party would give them a briefing which is outside the scope of their expertise. We have lost touch with shame in Ghana so these experts would tackle the Pandemic not as it is done in the rest of the world but it would be NPP vs NDC way. At times I look at these so called experts and I ask, what is in the Ghanaian education system? Expert? A bundle of highest intellectual standing, astute,impeccable beyond doubt but Ghana, the lost cause, the experts opinion is shrouded in shame.

How can we rediscover the attributes that bind nations inhabitants together for them to believe they are the sovereign and that sovereignty vested in the nation Ghana, make them Ghanaians first and foremost. The political parties are not sovereign, they are VEHICLES and their usefulness is just to make it possible for the citizens to belong to anyone of them if any,for elections of leaders to take place.

If Ghana is about NPP and NDC instead of the Republic of Ghana, then we have lost our way. Then the over 30 million people of Ghana have failed all those who fought for us to be independent.

Started Ghanamindset in 2011 purposely to help our Ghanaian society have a better view of appreciating that mediocrity has never built and develop any nation. We have this layback attitude that we always think,when something is going wrong, " I am not responsible to fix it". There are many instances that we could have applied common sense to tackle a situation but our laissez-faire attitude would let us walk past unconcerned. Born and educated in Ghana in 1952 and currently living in the UK.

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