Letter From Europe – The Dialogue
The dialogue, it is this week’s letter from Europe and involved in this dialogue are three distinguished Commonwealth citizens from India,Ghana and Nigeria but for economic reasons, are now living in the United Kingdom.
Indian: I am Jose Sahesi from India, happy to meet you, it is a long time that someone has sat by me and exchanged pleasantries, it is very kind of you. Don’t worry, I am Kobby Tenkorang from Ghana. I think there are so many Ghanaians in the United Kingdom, am I right? Quipped the Indian.
Ghanaian: Yes, there are a lot but I am afraid they are not as many as compared to you Indians.
Nigeria: I am Chuks Odumegu, Why do you ask that question?
Indian: I wonder why I do not see most of them as I see you Nigerians in the offices. I am an IT Expert and in the office of about 50 workers, majority outside the English are from India and Nigeria but the only Ghanaian I see comes around 5pm to do his cleaning.
Ghanaian: I suppose you are looking at just one industry, however, we Ghanaians do not like trouble so when we travel away from home, we do jobs that will not bring us into competition with the local people. Though we have some Ghanaian experts in other industries they are not many, most of the people I know are comfortable in the cleaning service.
Indian and Nigerian: They burst into long laughter … so are you saying that we like trouble? Are you saying that it is wrong for us to practice our talents even in foreign land?
Ghanaian: I do not mean that you two nations like to cause trouble but I mean, working in the offices I think is reserved for the English and the other Europeans.
Indian: May I please ask you a personal question, will you be offended?
Ghanaian: Why would I? You are free to ask, go ahead.
Indian: Could you tell me your academic standing?
Ghanaian: Why would I? Anyway for the sake of this dialogue, i would say, I completed senior secondary school only..
Indian: … But you sound academically astute as compared to what you have just told me about your academic background or qualification. Why have you not gone on to complete third level education? Does it mean you lack the necessary facilities to complete university in Ghana?
Ghanaian: That is not the case but what is the point of completing university when you cannot get a job to do? I could have gone to university but I felt coming here, it will be easier to work and save and within few years, I go back home as a millionaire.
Nigerian: You see how backward you Ghanaians have become? You people brought education to us in Nigeria, in the 70s and 80s every higher institution in Nigeria had Ghanaian teachers and lecturers but listening to you make me think, there is really something wrong with Ghana’s education. You see, with good education and the job I am doing now as an Attorney, it will take you about 50 years to earn the money I will earn in just five years.
Ghanaian: He is disturbed by the little dialogue which has now descended into total humiliation.
Indian: I am really sorry that this friendly encounter is leading to something embarrassing to you, anyway, I am getting off in the next stop.
Nigeria: May I give you little advice, kindly enrol in Part Time institution and complete a specialist degree course at the University and you will never forget this encounter. I am not boasting, but I can tell you that in Nigeria today, almost everybody has completed university. Even those who have not, as soon as they get the chance, they enrol because in that way, you will not do all the donkey work you do for peanuts. You need to re-evaluate your outlook and think of getting educated so that you could do jobs that pay good wages.
Lessons: Why do we often think it is waste of time to spend time getting education? Most of us when we come to the UK or overseas say “I am going to work for two years and save and go back to Ghana to complete my project … many have been here for well over forty years doing the same job and earning the same income. Even our children who have had the opportunity to do better than us have followed in our footsteps, they complete secondary school and that is it. They do not want any college education. Our duty as ghanamindset.com is the fact that: Today is education, Tomorrow Should be education and in the new scientific and technological world, we should see to it that our children are not left behind.