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Wake Up Ghanaians, Black Star of the World, Part 1.

The Black Star and some people say we are the Black Star of Africa and I think it is totally wrong. If the BLACK person as we have become known, is from Africa and it does not matter where we find ourselves, we are Africans. When Dr Kwame Nkrumah and the founding fathers said we are the Black Star, they did not mean “African” we are the chosen ones, we are the most important, we are the torchbearers of the continent,our independence led to the independence of big brother,Nigeria and apart from Liberia,Ethiopia,Egypt not counting apartheid South Africa. When our first President said “At long last the battle has ended, and thus Ghana, your beloved country is free forever” He went further to say “our independence would be meaningless unless it is linked to the total liberation of the African continent”.
Our Independence on 6th March 1957 was going to be the springboard upon which the new nation, Ghana and her President would use to see to it that within THREE years, the United Kingdom,France and Germany are going to release their stranglehold for countries in West Africa to be independent. We are therefore, the PROUD Black Star of the world.
Ghanaians, stand tall, wherever you see your fellow Black person you must shine and let them know your wealth. Star, do we really understand who we are? I believe if we know who we are, our behaviour and attitudes will fall in line with that but unfortunately for us, we have never been fortunate to be educated properly so in this piece, I want to start PART ONE of the Black Star. Look for Part two.

Started Ghanamindset in 2011 purposely to help our Ghanaian society have a better view of appreciating that mediocrity has never built and develop any nation. We have this layback attitude that we always think,when something is going wrong, " I am not responsible to fix it". There are many instances that we could have applied common sense to tackle a situation but our laissez-faire attitude would let us walk past unconcerned. Born and educated in Ghana in 1952 and currently living in the UK.

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